PAE Details for Artists
Persian Art Exhibition
Friday 2nd Aug to Monday 2nd Sep 2024
Time : 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Venue: Perth Cultural Centre, Boola Bardip WA Museum, Perth WA 6000
Location Map:
Registration due date: 15 Jul 2024
For more information, please email
PAE Artists Participation Request Form
Exhibition Days
Bump in/Bump out
Bump in/Setup: Thursday 1st Aug 2024 8:00 – 9:30 am
Bump out: Wednesday 2nd Sep 2024 4:30 – 5:00 pm
Please bring your artworks om Bump-in day/time, so that your space can be assigned and you can start installing your art pieces on the wall. Screws and tools will be available.
Please make a white small tag/badge (in the size of business card) per artwork including “name of the artwork, type of the artwork and your name” and stick it on the bottom-right side of the art piece. If you intend to sell the item then also add the price on the tag. If not selling the item, then write “Not for Sale” instead of the price.
Exhibition Period
Friday 2nd Aug to Monday 2nd Sep 2024; 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
You Don’t need to be there at all time. We use a digital screen player and provide this email for the people who are interested in buying your work. in addition we played your presentation in that Digital screen to present you and your works.
De-install/Taking out items/Clean-up/Bump out
Monday 2nd Sep 2024 between 4:30 am to 5:00 pm is the time for Wrap Up/Clean Up. In short we need to return the gallery to the condition of day one.
Opening Function
Friday 2ndAug 9:30 am
The opening function would be held on the first day of the exhibition for our guests as “information session” introducing the Persian arts and artworks by participating artists.
Please prepare yourself for 2 minutes talk introducing yourself and your artworks at the opening session.
The program of the opening function would be 5 minutes welcome speech, a short two minutes introduction per artist and 5-10 minutes speech by one or two of our distinguished guests. In short about half an hour to 40 minutes talk and then free time for guests to view the art pieces.
Please do not hesitate to call 0431128271 or email if you have any question.